How we work Sustainability / Dead Stock / Trend Research / Customized / Non solo fashion

Prato is today recognized worldwide as the capital of the circular economy in the textiles and clothing sector.
The process of wool generation is part of a tradition that local businesses have advanced for more than two centuries, yielding extraordinary results.
Top Service has likewise spent years developing a unique style of responsible conversion. It uses recycled yarn and adheres to strict sustainability policies in the choice of raw materials that go into its creations.

Dead stock
Why make something new when we can save existing materials from destruction, and turn them into garments new?
Each year, thousands of tonnes of yarn and textiles remain unsold or unused in the collections coming out on the market. All too often are these consigned to the incinerator or the dump, doing significant damage to the environment in a heinous waste of resources.
This is why Top Service uses deadstock yarn, which are readily available in the Prato area, as one of its sources of raw materials.

Trend Research
Creating new styles: that’s just another day at the Top Service office.
Shapes and colors, textures and functions, treatments and dyes are all at the heart of the daily work in Top Service. Experimentation – always with a view to sustainability – lies at the core of the creation that is shared with the client. In the constant creative tension between markets and designers, Top Service absorbs all kinds of stimuli, ensuring that the selections of clothing it launches are always more and more innovative and original.

Each season, Top Service produces an original collection of models to show to its clients, both Italian and international.
The collection can be viewed in the Digital Showroom. The collection is a creative offering, available to clients like any other, but with an emphasis on personalization. Fabrics and details are adapted to the clients’ own stylistic visions.
Top Service also produces items that are designed expressly for the client’s needs, following directions provided by their sketches, visuals and teleprocessing.
In both cases, the Top Service experience is the supreme guarantee of the results that the client is after.
Not just fashion
Top Service is about more than clothing.
Using the same raw materials and the same technological environments that produce its clothing and knitwear, Top Service also realizes interior design projects. This is a sector that in recent years has allowed the creative team to explore new fields and develop complementary skills, while increasing their retail foothold and cross-pollinating in ways that have never been seen before.